Mariners Analysis

Saturday, May 15, 2004

Bavasi showing frustration as M's losses mount

It's now abundantly clear the M's have realized something many feared- this team is not in a slump, it's just simply not very good.

And when a team realizes it's not very good, stress cracks appear everywhere.

Last night against the Yankees, we saw a line-up we haven't seen all year. And plays we hope we don't see again this season, but know we will.

And perhaps the most frustrated right now is Bavasi, who realizes as the architect of this team the bullseye is clearly on him.

From the PI-

"They don't play offense. They either don't know how to play offense or they can't."

This is the first subtle jab at Melvin and staff. He's throwing out the fact that perhaps he did get the right players, but they aren't performing. Look for there to be more signs of stress between Melvin and Bavasi as the losses continue and this team gets dismantled.