Mariners Analysis

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Giambi silence

The much anticipated press conference with Jason Giambi came and went. Let me summarize for you the entire waste of time- I can't tell you anything, but I'm sorry.

Really sorry.

But my lawyers won't let me say anything more. You know, because of the BALCO investigation.

Which is of course a complete lie. There is no reason Jason Giambi couldn't come out and declare publicly whether he used steroids. Now what he can't do is contradict his testimony, and he can't talk about what was asked etc... However, the gov't doesn't put a gag order on you just because you testified in front of a grand jury. You can't talk about the case, or Conte perhaps, but he can sure answer basic steroid questions from the press. You'll notice he has no problem saying Canseco's story is BS.

The real reason Giambi won't answer questions around steroids is simple- he doesn't want to strengthen the Yankees case to void his contract. Right now the Yankees have nothing to take to court- only a leaked account of a grand jury transcript that may or may not be true.

So Giambi keeps his mouth shut, and hopes he has a huge season.

Huge season + Giambi = Sheffield aura

Beat the Red Sox, and all will be forgiven.