Mariners Analysis

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Bad Seattle Times Articles

I'll post on the M's payroll issues later, but I couldn't help but laugh at the terrible article by Blaine Newnham in the Times on Randy Winn.

In his column titled "Why would Mariners want to lose Winn?" Newnham tries to make a case for the M's hanging on to Randy Winn- link

I have no problem with someone saying they like Randy Winn in an M's uniform. I have no problem with Newnham saying he thinks the M's should not trade Winn. What I do have a problem with is a senior writer talking about an M's player when they either:
A) Have no clue what is going on with the club
B) Choose to omit serious parts of the discussion

I'm not sure which one is applicable here, but regardless it is a complete waste of paper for the Times to print articles like this. It is a fluff piece of the highest order.

The reason the M's MIGHT trade Randy Winn is simple. He is one of the only tradable commodities on the team. You know this, I know this, every M's fan over ten knows this, but Newnham chooses to ignore this fact.

If the M's found a club that was willing to trade something of value for Winn, they should do it in a heartbeat. The teams pitching outlook is rather bleak right now. Moyer is old and on his way out, Sele is a short-term solution at best, Piniero is hurt... blah-blah-blah-blah. We know the story, the M' need pitching. They have Winn on the roster, but they also have this young and upcoming prospect named Reed who seems to do everything Winn can do, for less money.

I don't need to make a case for keeping Winn, that was Newnham's job. He writes the typical Seattle Times fluff-piece that says- "We lost 99 games, but gosh-darnit you've got to like this guy" column.

The fact is this team stunk last year, had terrible pitching and didn't do a thing about it during the offseason. On the same day the Times reports on the M's profits, Newnham chooses to write about what a good guy Randy Winn is.

I'm guessing Newhnam really doesn't care if the M's are any good this year.

And I don't care for the reporting of the Seattle Times.

Every time the phone rings and I get a special offer from the Times for home delivery, I love giving the rep an earful. I'll subscribe to the Times when you get some real Sports Writers!!