Mariners Analysis

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

No to Posada

Word is the Yanks are looking to cut payroll, likely to go after a CF and revamped bullpen. Lots of talk regarding the M's taking a shot at landing Pavano.

I would be fine with acquiring Pavano if it costs little to nothing as far as prospects and we got rid of some dead wood. However I don't believe for a second the Yankees would be interested in anything we would want to jettison, so don't see how a deal would work at. The Yanks don't just give players away w/o reason (Woody doesn't work there), and Pavano is not such a lost cause the Yanks will pay a big chunk of his salary.

Posada is easier. While the M's really need a decent catcher, I wouldn't touch Posada's current contract as is. Too much money to a guy who is too old and about to trigger a player option for '08.


If the Yankees were willing to eat MOST of his contract, then Posada is actually not a bad idea as a stop-gap to better-get-good-in-a-hurry (aka. #3 pick in the draft, and not named Alex) Jeff Clement.

But the Yanks would again seem unlikely to do this. They have no real prospects to take his place, and there doesn't appear to be any good reason for the Yanks to go on a fire sale.

Probably the biggest reason the Yanks are being mentioned is Cashman needs to make SOME changes to this years largely disappointing club, and Pavano and Posada both have similar sounding names, were a disappointment and make lots of money.

If Bavasi gets too serious about either one, their not trying very hard.

Let's hope the Yanks and M's don't make any significant trades this offseason. If they do, it's out of convenience, not a true desire to improve the current club.