Mariners Analysis

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Brutal call last night

The M's really ran into some bad luck last night. Taking a 4-2 lead into the 9th, with Putz on the mound, it seemed like a sure win.

And then the rain started pouring, and then the call on Posada, and before you know it the M's lose yet another extra inning game.

All I will say about that call... that may or may not have cost them the game... it was one of the worst "safe" calls to first I've ever seen. Honestly, that call wasn't even close. You could show that replay in real time to 100 umps, and it would be called correctly 100 times. The only way it gets called the way it did is when the crowd is going wild and the human part of the game comes into play.

The M's really got robbed last night, and against the Yankees no less! Let's hope things even out over the course of the season and they get a gift win later on to even it out.

Meanwhile, I'm set to watch Randy throw pitch #124...