Mariners Analysis

Monday, September 29, 2008

Mercifully over

You couldn't dream up a more fitting ending. Having not won a series all year, the team finally sweeps Oakland and loses the number one pick in the process. An absolutely fitting, frustrating end to this terrible season.

I have been a Mariner fan for 30 years, and an avid fan for at least the past 15. This season my interest in the team was at its lowest point certainly since '92. The Chuck and Howie program is getting old and I think we all agree the decision they make this winter will determine how much longer my interest stagnates.

Good news?

Well it looks like Bedard isn't injured as badly as first reported. And.... I'm having trouble coming up with anything else.

It will be a fun winter since we won't have McLaren and Bavasi around, so at least we have no where to go but up.

Ok, I'm feeling better already...